Sunday, May 26, 2013

Four Months

Audrey loves the driver's seat of the beamer and Emmett had his first experience with the apartment pool. We had a chance to go to Oklahoma City to the science museum and zoo. Audrey sat at a giant table and found a rhino like the one in Wichita! Audrey and Emmett are able to wear the same size jacket and Audrey has been drawing with her new chalk all over the apartment grounds. Nelly loves spending time with both of the kids. We finally got a family picture on Mother's Day and spent some time at McDonalds, Audrey (and mommy) love the hash browns. Happy four months, Emmett and here is a little comparison of Emmett and Audrey at 4 months! We keep you in our prayers and miss seeing you. The Lord blesses us each day with the love of family and great friendships. We look forward to seeing some of you in the next couple months!