Thursday, February 20, 2014

Emmett Turns ONE!

The big snow of Delaware!
Cowgirl Audrey and her trusty horse Angus.
Eddie, Emmett and I getting one of our daily check-ups!
Grammie is here!
More snow for the snowbird!
Our little one year old.  He got a tunnel with a tent to climb in.  We put a blow-up mattress and balls in there and the kids love it.  Now they need some cousins to come visit and have a sleep-over!
Here's his new puppy chair!
Now we have a little explorer.  Everything must come out! 
They love to play together.
Audrey saying, "come on Emmett, lets go in the 'tundel'!"
Eddie and I have been watching a lot of the Olympics, we love it all especially curling!
Emmett ALWAYS eating.
Sleeping beauty.
Emmett is getting his sister's curls.
Goodnight sweet boy, we love you so much!